
Dissertation Writing Resources

This page contains a variety of resources for graduate students in various stages of their dissertation research.

Writers Workshop

The Writers Workshop hosts a number of resources for long-term project writing on a variety of topics including:

  • Staying on track with thesis or dissertation writing
  • Committing to regular writing routines
  • Navigating critical feedback
  • And more!

The Graduate College at UIUC

The website for UIUC's Graduate College contains information about the resources available for students completing their theses or dissertations. The Graduate College offers workshops and many other resources across the academic year to help students with their dissertation process.

CWS Dissertation Library

CWS keeps copies of all thesis and dissertation projects completed by Center graduates in hard copy. These dissertations can also be accessed through ProQuest Digital Dissertations and Theses (UIUC students and faculty have full access).